R-Ladies Conference Participation

Last modification: 2022-03-22 (View source)

R-Ladies participates in R-Ladies branded conference sessions and events such as contributed talks, panel discussions, networking events, poster presentations, and booths to increase awareness of our organization.

R-Ladies branded conference event

An R-Ladies branded event is one that uses the term R-Ladies in the event title.

R-Ladies directory members may lead R-Ladies branded conference events with the approval of the R-Ladies global team.

Organizing an R-Ladies branded conference event

If you are an R-Ladies directory member interested in leading an R-Ladies branded event, please email the global team at info@rladies.org the seeking approval template. Once approved, we will add the event to our records and offer additional support if needed.

If you need assistance identifying a candidate R-Ladies directory member to lead a session, please email the global team at info@rladies.org the seeking an R-Ladies invited speaker template.

Speakers invited to represent R-Ladies at an R-Ladies branded event should have all event fees waived or reimbursed. If travel is involved, the event should further financially support the speaker by covering costs associated with travel, lodging, or meals.

Email templates

Seeking approval for an R-Ladies branded conference event




Seeking approval for an R-Ladies branded conference event


Dear R-Ladies,

The <conference/event (with link to the conference page)> will be held on <dates> at <location>. <Name(s)> is seeking
approval to represent R-Ladies by <hosting/presenting> an R-Ladies branded conference 
event in the form of <contributed talk/panel discussion/networking event/booth>.

<Abstract/More information/Link to event page...>

Seeking an R-Ladies invited speaker for an R-Ladies branded conference event




Seeking an R-Ladies invited speaker for an R-Ladies branded conference event


Dear R-Ladies,

The <conference/event (with link to the conference page)> will be held on <dates> at <location>. We would appreciate 
assistance identifying an R-Ladies representative to <host/present> an R-Ladies
branded <contributed talk/panel discussion/networking event/booth> for the purpose
of <insert>.

We can financially support the speaker's conference attendance by... <please 

Past events

Below are some example past events. For a more comprehensive list, please refer to R-Ladies Global Presentations.

Mon-Yr Conference Location Type Title Speaker(s)
Jan-20 RStudio Conference San Francisco, CA Contributed Talk Every voice matters: An analysis of @WeAreRLadies Katherine Simeon
Jan-20 RStudio Conference San Francisco, CA Networking R-Ladies Meet up Reception
Feb-20 RStudio Conference San Francisco, CA Networking Birds of a Feather Breakfast Hannah Frick & Erin LeDell
Oct-21 Women in Statistics and Data Science Online Panel Discussion R-Ladies: Building, Growing, and Sustaining a Community Mouna Belaid, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Shel Kariuki, Athanasia Mowinckel, Katherine Simeon
Oct-21 Women in Statistics and Data Science Online Poster Presentation Be great and curate! Tips and outcomes from an @WeAreRLadies Twitter curator Shannon Pileggi