Please read our Curator Guide for specific information on your role as a curator.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I start my first tweet as @WeAreRLadies?

You can use Tweetdeck during your week as the curator.

  • Log on to tweetdeck from your web browser, Iphone or Android App using your twitter credentials. You should see the screen similar to below.
Screenshot of Tweetdeck interface
  • Click the “Tweet” button at the top lefthand corner and select @WeAreRLadies as the account you are tweeting from.

2. Can I add photos, GIFs and video?

  • Yes - you can add up to 4 photos, a GIF, or a video.

3. How to delete a tweet?

Mistakes happen! First of all, dont panic 😄 Tweets can be removed.

  • Navigatate to tweet you wish to delete
  • Click on “…” on the top right of the creen
  • Choose “Delete” option
  • At the time of writing this, there is not an option to bulk-delete Tweets.
Screenshot of Tweetdeck interface to delete tweets
  • Note that comments made by other users of the deleted tweets will not be removed.

3. How do I create thread via Tweet Deck?

View TweetDeck, click to reply to the original tweet, then click on the user to switch to the WeAreRLadies users.

4. As a curator, can I like other tweets?

Yes! You can definitely like others’ posts.

5. Why can’t I add emojis?

This isn’t generally available on SAFARI, however at the time of writing this, CHROME has an extension you can download via https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bettertweetdeck/micblkellenpbfapmcpcfhcoeohhnpob/related?hl=en

6. How to add polls?

Unfortunately, you cannot create polls via Tweet Deck. We recommend creating a poll on your personal Twitter handle, then retweeting it via @WeAreRLadies.

7. How do you pin a tweet to the @WeAreRLadies profile?

Unfortunately, you cannot pin tweets via Tweet Deck. If you want a specific tweet pinned, feel free to email WeAre@rladies.org or DM the account managers via Slack with a link to the tweet you want pinned and we can pin it for you.

8. How do I add alternative text to images in my post?

When uploading an image into Tweetdeck, a gray button will appear at the bottom of the image labelled “Add description.” See more information about image accessibility from Twitter.

Screenshot of the add description/alt text function in Tweetdeck