YouTube channel

R-Ladies Global has a YouTube channel where we post videos from different chapters around the world. Some chapters run their own channels, which are subscribed by the global channel, so it’s easy to find more related content.

Zoom and Youtube

See the dedicated section.

Contributing through chapter channels

Since some chapters have their own channels, these videos do not show up in the R-Ladies Global channel, even if we highlight chapter channels on the page. We would, however, love to link to videos in other channels so people can easily find more content.

Requesting the Global channel subscribe to your chapter’s channel

One way to get your channel more visibility is to have the Global channel subscribe to it. It will then be rotated in the “featured channels” section of the Global channel.

Please fill in this form to notify us about your channel, and we’ll subscribe as soon as we can.

Adding a video from your chapter’s channel to a playlist

The Global channel has a playlist for each language we know there are R-Ladies videos of, and these would be the perfect place to add your chapters videos if you are running your own channel.

Please fill in this form to notify us about a video you want added to a playlist (or make a new playlist), and we will get to it as soon as we can.

Contributing to the Global channel

Applying for video upload

If you run an R-Ladies chapter and have a video of a meetup you want hosted on the Global channel, please fill in this form and we wil get to you as soon as we can.
For any questions regarding the videos and this setup procedure, email

Do you already have a YouTube account/channel?

If you have a YouTube channel associated with your personal account, you might need to click on your profile on the top left and click on Switch Account to switch to the R-Ladies account first.

The video upload

Once we have done some initial verifications, the google account you have provided us in the form will be made manager of the channel, so you can upload the video and add information about the video content.

To start video upload, go you YouTube Studio, log in with the given account, and press “Create” in the upper right corner, and click “Upload video”. Start following the instructions for the video upload. Please see the information below regarding guidelines we want you to follow when creating the content.


The title should have three main parts

  1. the chapter name (R-Ladies Freiburg)
    - remember to check the hyphens are correct

  2. language of the content (English)

  3. title of the talk

ex. R-Ladies Freiburg (English) - R Markdown


The description can be written in either the content language or in English, that is up to you, but we recommend writing it in the content language. Make sure to describe the content of the video so viewers can understand what the have in store. Usually the event description is a good thing to add here.

Please give proper credit to your speaker, make sure their name is spelled correctly and you are using the correct pronouns. Also link to their online presence if they have one and want you to. Talk to them about what type of credit they would like to be given for the talk.

If the slides for the presentation or other materials from the talk are available online (like on GitHub or the like) please also link to those, so the interested viewer can follow along interactively.

If you have had questions asked during the talk, and the speaker has pointed to online resources etc that are not in the slides, try to find them and post them in the description section.

Try to think about what type of information you would find practical to find in the description and try to fullfil that.

Other YouTube settings

There are a couple other settings for the video that are ideal to set correctly. They are usually hidden under “more options” settings.

  • The date of the recording
  • The language of the recording
    • this helps YouTube algorithms and also the autocaptioning if it is one of the languages YouTube offers automatic captions top
  • Add the video to playlists for the language the content is in
    • we try to make playlists with content in the same language, making it easier for those interested in content in a specific language to find it

If you are struggling with upload, writing the description etc, email