Scheduling & Hosting an Online Meetup without Zoom

What if it is not realistic to expect participants to have good internet at home?

Here are some options. We are open to adding more based on your experience!

  • WhatsApp meetup (R-Ladies Cotonou is still testing this), emailing the presentation and setting a time for Q&A in the WhatsApp groupp.

  • Another expensive option under consideration by R-Ladies Cotonou is to offer a data bundle to participants using the R Consortium grant, when we receive funds, to have a Zoom meetup.

Do not forget to remind attendees of the code of conduct at the beginning of the event. Make organizers easy to recognize. Introduce yourselves at the beginning, add “Organizer” to your name if possible. This is important for participants for different requests for help and for being able to report incidents related to the code of conduct.