R Contribution Working Group

Last modification: 2023-09-06 (View source)

As stated in the R Contributor website{target="_blank"}:

The R Contribution Working Group (RCWG) is a collaboration between R Core, R community groups (including Forwards, the R Community Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, R-Ladies, MiR) and members of the wider R community. Its aim is to encourage new contributors to R core, with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

The R-Ladies Global Team aims to have a team member join the R Contribution Working Group. Responsibilities include:

  • Attending meetings when you can.

  • Posting a summary of highlights from the RCWG meeting on the #r-project-inclusion on the R-Ladies community Slack (picking this up from the minutes if you are unable to attend).

  • Otherwise engaging in RCWG initiatives as you feel able.