Curator guide

Last modification: 2025-02-26 (View source)

How Curating Works

Prior to your curation:

  • Sign up to be a curator on this form.

  • After the RoCur admins review your submission, the RoCur schedule will be updated accordingly to include your upcoming curation.

  • 1 week before your curation, RoCur admins will send you more info on curating and ask you to review the [Curating Agreement] as well as approve a graphic that will be used to promote your account takeover.

  • The Sunday before your curation, you will receive an app password, which will serve as your temporary credential to log into the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account.

During your curation:

  • Each rotating curation (RoCur) begins on Monday at 11:00 AM UTC and ends on the following Saturday at 4:00 PM UTC.

  • During the curation, the avatar of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account will be set to a photo of you. The admins will update the account profile accordingly.

  • If applicable, your personal Bluesky handle will also appear in the bio of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account. You do not need to have a Bluesky account prior to curating.

  • Your first post should serve as an introduction to the account followers. This could include details such as what you do for work, how you use R, etc.

  • While we do not require curators to post a specific number of times, we ask that you be as active as possible during your curation.

After your curation:

  • The following Sunday, RoCur admins will remove the your access to the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account, enabling the next curator to take over.

Pre-curation Week Checklist

The goal of this checklist is to ease both the technical and content-related aspects of curation in advance of your assigned week. We strongly encourage you to complete this checklist one week prior to your curation. This way, you will have time to ping the #rocur channel of the R-Ladies Community Slack if any questions arise.

  1. Post from your personal Bluesky account.

  2. Post an image with alternative text (again, from your personal Bluesky account).

    • See FAQ for more details.
    • Check out this article on writing helpful Alt Text by Digital Accessibility at Harvard or this Medium post on writing Alt Text for data visualization.
  3. Read at least one artifact from previous curators. See [Work From Previous Curators] for a list.

  4. Create a list of topics you hope to post about during your curation.

    • Most curators agree that doing some brainstorming before your curation week can be incredibly helpful!

Curating Agreement

By signing on to be a curator of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account, you agree to the following:

  1. Abide by the R-Ladies’ Code of Conduct in all activities and interactions on the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account.

  2. Be responsible for all content posted throughout your designated week. RoCur admins will take action if your posts contain racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other harmful content.

  3. Refrain from using obscene or abusive language.

  4. Use inclusive language when addressing the audience. Consider using words like all, everybody, y’all, and folks since not every member of R-Ladies identifies as female.

  5. Be the sole poster of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account during your assigned week.

  6. Do not actively promote or advertise any business or receive remuneration from a third party to do so. See [Promotional Posting] for more details.

  7. Do not change the display name, avatar, banner image, or bio of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account, unless asked directly to do so.

  8. Do not follow, unfollow, or block any users from the account. Additionally, do not engage with individuals via direct messages.

    However, if you experience abuse while contributing, you may block the offender. In such cases, alert the RoCur admins by emailing or posting in the R-Ladies Community Slack, including the offender’s handle and a description of the incident.

  9. At the end of your curation, your access will be revoked to the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account from any applications you may have authorized.

  10. Prior to the curation, submit a profile picture and a brief biography to be used on the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account.

RoCur admins reserve the right to warn or revoke the access of anyone who violates any of the above rules or Bluesky’s Terms of Service.

Promotional Posting

It is not permitted to promote companies, businesses, or services through the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account.

On this account, promoting a company, business, or service is broadly defined as any instance where any entity receives financial remuneration from the Bluesky post. This includes:

  • If you, the curator, receives remuneration for posting about a specific company, business, or service (e.g., referral links).

  • If an organization, company, or individual profits from individuals using their services.

  • If the post actively solicits account followers to partake in services where an entity receives monetary gain.

Examples of promotional posts that are not allowed include:

  • โ€œBuy this book about time series analysis in R!โ€
  • โ€œHere’s an online course that could be helpful. There’s a fee to access it.โ€

We encourage curators to share free and openly available tools with the audience and communicate personal experiences about using specific resources without promoting or soliciting on behalf of any particular company, business or service. This includes:

  • Discussing how you use R at work: “As a data analyst at [company name], I use R to create reports.”

  • Posting about an open-source package that you have used and why it was helpful: “A great package for data visualization in R is [package name]. If I want to create a plot to show the relationship between numeric variables, [function name] is particularly useful!”

  • Sharing free, openly available resources that you have used to learn R and explaining what you liked and disliked about it: “My first introduction to linear regression was this blog post: [URL]. I appreciated how clear the examples were, but I found the theory section a bit difficult to follow at first.”

Posting Tips

Introduce Yourself

Start your curation by introducing yourself to the account followers:

  • This could include details such as what you do for work, how you use R, your hobbies, etc.

  • You could also share a URL to your personal website, GitHub, or other relevant profiles.

  • If the photo on the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account differs from your personal Bluesky account, you might want to post the latter.

General Posting Guidelines

  • We do not require you to post a specific number of times; however, we ask that you be as active as possible during your curation.

    • We completely understand if you are no longer able to curate during your scheduled week. Please notify us by emailing as soon as you know you are unable to curate. We highly encourage you to reschedule your curation to another week!
  • The content of your posts is entirely up to you! However, keep it relevant to R and/or R-Ladies. Make the account and its posts useful for learning.

  • Pictures are great, but make sure to add alternative text to make them accessible to people who use screen readers.

    • Posting photos from R-Ladies Meetup events or other R-related get-togethers is highly encouraged.

    • Please ensure proper attribution for your photos by obtaining permission from the original owner, and tagging them when applicable.

    • Tag individuals in the images if applicable.

  • Similarly, add alternative text to GIFs.

  • Use hashtags! See [Posting About R] for more details.

  • Have fun! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Posting About R

Potential Topics
  • If you belong to an R-Ladies chapter, highlight a project that your local chapter is working on.

  • Share articles, blog posts, etc. relevant to your work or interests in R.

  • Tell us something that you just learned in R.

  • Inform the audience about your current R project, sharing a brief description, a line of code, or a link to your GitHub repo.

  • When mentioning a package, add a link to its CRAN/BioConductor/GitHub repo:

    • If available, mention the Bluesky account of the maintainer(s) unless they are already widely known (i.e., it is not necessary to tag Hadley Wickham when mentioning ggplot2).
  • The same applies to courses, books, etc.; include the URL whenever possible.

Use hashtags
  • Whenever relevant, use the #rladies hashtag.

  • Use the #rstats hashtag when sharing something that might be useful for the greater R community. Avoid overusing it to prevent cluttering the hashtag timeline. We do not want others silencing or blocking this account!

  • Other R-related hashtags include #dataviz, #rspatial, and #opendata.

  • You could also hashtag package names, the location of your R-Ladies chapter, etc.

Interacting With Your Audience

  • One goal of the We Are R-Ladies Bluesky account is to maintain a strong R-Ladies community on the platform! Therefore, please respond to users who interact with the account.

  • If someone asks a question, we recommend replying with a quote post so others can see the original post.

Audience Engagement Ideas
  • Post a question about something you are having trouble with in R โ€“ our community is all about helping and supporting each other!

  • Ask for R package or dataset recommendations for your a project you are working on.

Your Last Post

Consider using the last post of your curation as a way to “sign off.” You could do approach this by:

  • Mentioning that your curation week is ending and that this post will be your last

  • Highlighting one key takeaway

  • If applicable, writing acknowledgements

  • Encouraging followers to connect with you on your personal Bluesky account or other platforms like GitHub or Linkedin

A sample sign-off:

My week curating has come to a close! Thank you for following along and discussing [list topics mentioned during curation]. Special thanks to my fellow R-Lady [their Bluesky handle], who encouraged me to curate! You can stay in touch by following me at [your Bluesky handle]."

Work From Previous Curators

We deeply appreciate our past curators for their hard work in building our former community on Twitter. Many of them have also written blog posts and given talks reflecting on their curating experience.

On curating for @WeAreRLadies

Looking at data from @WeAreRLadies

If you have written any blog posts, given any talks, or analyzed any data in relation to R-Ladies RoCur, please add your links via pull request!